Interview Questions

1. Startup profile from 7.3?

Answer: Now the Start profile contents are merged with the Instance profile. With help of the new Instance, profile SAP processes are started and at the same time, instance-specific parameters are read.

2. SAP Application server connects with Database using database client.

3. Difference b/w profiles?

Default.PFL - default profile
Instance Profile - SID_DVEBMGS"nr"_Hostname

location = usr/sap/SID/SYS/Profile

4.Below are the common errors in SAP transport management

Return code 4: Imported with warnings
Generation of program, colomns or row missing .

Return code 8 : Imported with errors

  • Syntax error
  • Program generation error
  • Dictionary activation error or method execution error

Return code 12 : Indicates Import Cancelled

  • Program cancelled due to job
  • Import cancelled due to object missing
  • Import cancelled due to object not active

Return code 18 : Indicates Import Cancelled

  • Due to system down while import
  • Due to user expired during import
  • Due to insufficient roles or authorization
5. Transport group = systems that share the common trans directory are called transport groups.

6. R3trans & TP difference – The Transport Control Program:
  • R3trans is the SAP system transport program that can be used for transporting data between different SAP systems. It is normally not used directly but called from the tp control program or by the SAP upgrade utilities.
  • tp controls the transports and generates the r3trans control files, but does not connect to the database itself. All the "real work" is done from R3trans.
  • It supports the transporting of data between systems running on different OS and even different DB.
7. Changes related to cross-client or repository objects are saved in the workbench.
    Changes related to client-specific are saved in customizing requests.

8. how to transport co-files and data files?
 upload co files in to usr/sap/trans/cofiles and data in to usr/sap/trans/data folders using t-code CG3Z.
 And ADD the request  into the buffer (Extras- Add) and give the name as SIDK9**** (K9*** is cofile name)

9. Backup catalog :
 The backup catalog contains information about the backup history.
like: type of backup, start &stop times, destination and backup ID, etc..

The backup catalog enables SAP HANA to determine the following:

Whether recovery is possible
Which backups to use to recover a database
Which backups are no longer needed for a recovery

-->Each time a backup of any type is created, the backup catalog is backed up and versioned. even for log_mode =overwrite also.

Naming convention of backup catalog:
With a third-party tool, the backup catalog is assigned a name in the following format: log_backup_0_0_0_0

10. SAPHost Agent: SAP Host Agent is an agent that can accomplish several life-cycle management tasks, such as operating system monitoring, database monitoring, system instance control, and provisioning.

-- It must be installed on each operating system (physical or virtual host) on which a component of an SAP system is running. It manages many aspects at operating system level, such as:
1.     Starting  /  stopping  of  SAP  instances
2.     Starting  /  stopping  /  status  determination  of  databases
3.     Collecting  operating  system  performance data 
 4.    Offering  services  to  other  SAP  components(In particular: to the SAP Solution Manager Diagnostics Agent)
5.The installation directory of the SAP Host Agent is/usr/sap/hostctrl.
6.During the installation of an SMDA instance, the SAP Host Agent is automatically installed or updated (if it already exists)
How to start/stop/restart SAPHOSTAGENT?

/usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/saphostexec -[option]


Uninstalls SAP Host Agent


Starts or restarts SAP Host Agent


Stops a running SAP Host Agent


Returns the status of SAP Host Agent


Returns the version of SAP Host Agent with detailed information

11.Job logs location in filesystem or OS level ?

12.  Command to register rfc program at os level ?

rfcexec -a(program) -g<host> -xsap<gateway (ex: rfcexe -a GWSEC -g es7u051a  -x sapgw00)

13.   Ports in SAP

14. SAP logon files

      saplogon.ini    ---  SID's & Instance Numbers

      sap msg.ini   --- message server & logongroups

      sap route.ini --- router configuration

      sap doc.ini  --- gui help document

15. trace files 

 dev_enq -- enqueue trace
dev_disp --- dispatcher trace
dev_rd  ---- gateway trace
dev_icm  --- internet communication manager
dev_w*   --- work process trace
dev_ms   ---- message server

16. OS users 

      SIDADM  ,  SAPServiceSID

17. Groups 

18. To start sapstartsrv service 
      sapcontrol -nr xx  -function StartService <SID>

19. During the pre-processing phase, after the workbench is locked is it ok to import any Transport to the system?

A: You have to wait until the upgrade is finished or reset the current upgrade.

It is not supported to unlock the system and perform transports after the system workbench is locked.

20. Long running transports troubleshooting ?


  1. Go to SE38, execute the report RSTPTEST. It tests the tp status and STMS configuration check.
  2. In STMS_IMPORT transaction -> in menu click on Goto -> tp system log .. this will give you if any error is there .
  3. Check in SM37 whether RDD* jobs are running or not. If not, schedule them and import of the transport again.
  4. Check in SM13 whether update is active or not as sometimes the update gets into error. If it is not active, activate it
  5. Check in SM50 if all background work processes are in running status and there are zero waiting BGD processes. If so, you will need to wait for the free background work process to run RDD* jobs to complete the  import of the transport.
  6. Check if any of the file systems (like sapmnt, oraarch etc) of the Central Instance, Database and  application servers  is 100% full. If so, please add necessary space.
21. OS level using command "ps -ef | grep tp"   
        Kill these processes if any using the below command:
        "kill -9 <pid>"

22. Transport request ?

     1.Customiing  : Change of customizing settings are recorded in “Customizing Requests”. Customizing requests                                                   contain  changes to “Client Depending Tables”.

     2. Workbench : Changes to “ABAP workbench objects” then “Workbench Requests” recorded by sap system.                                                      Workbench requests contain changes to “Client Independent Tables” and related to Development         tasks There are two type of workbench requests , one of is LOCAL and the other one is “TRANSPORTABLE”

     3. Transport of Copies : Including the objects of the Main TR(Cust/work bench) to the transport of copies TR and move it to QA with out releasing the Main TR. once testing done then main TR can be transported to QA and Prod.,save%20it%20in%20a%20Transport.&text=Once%20you're%20done%20saving,as%20your%20%E2%80%9CMain%20Transport%E2%80%9D.

23.  SAP  Solution  Manager  Diagnostics  Agent: 

(SMDA) is a central component in SAP landscapes managed by the SAP Solution Manager. This Agent must be installed on each managed system and supplies information to and executes operations initiated by the SAP Solution Manager, such as:
1. Discovery  of  components  that  should  be  managed  by  the  SAP  Solution  Manager
2. Collecting  and  reporting  monitoring  data  of managed systems to SAP Solution Manager
3.The default installation directory of the SAP Solution Manager Diagnostics Agent is /usr/sap/<DASID>where<DASID> is the 3-character long Diagnostics Agent SAP system ID  

24. SAPSYS : 
  Sapsys is used for internal purpose in SAP server and is not harmful. But if it increases it can be logged off as well. But in many cases sapsys is used for OS jobs, CCMS monitoring hence it may impact if not handled carefully

SAPSYS is a group. It's used for DEV - QA - PRD to share files (especially /usr/sap/trans), for <SID>adm and ora<SID> to talk to each other and share files also.

SAPSYS is a user group name in sap os .SAPSYS is an internal communication user, which access the tables from the dictionary and give access to the users. All owners of SAP Systems (at UNIX level) must be in the group sapsys

25. Logical System :

A logical system is used to identify an individual client in a system, for ALE communication between SAP systems. We define all communication in ALE as links between logical systems. 

26. SUM Tool launching problem : The entire communication happens through the SAP host agent. 

Two important logs that can help in troubleshooting SL Common UI related Issues on SAP host agent side: dev_saphostexec and most importantly, sapstartsrv.log (Both located under <SAP host agent>/work directory)

 --> SUM must be unpacked with SIDADM

--> SUMSTART should be performed with root user

--> All files inside SUM folder should be set to <SID>adm:sapsys

--> Ensure that port 1128 (or 1129 for https/SSL) is accessible via telnet.

telnet <servername> 1128
-->Upgrade your SAP host agent to at least version 7.21 patch level 11 or latest available. Also, sometimes we have to reinstall the SAPHOSTAGENT.
-->It is not recommended to use SUM from an NFS but instead use local file system.
27. Log segments not getting deleted even after backed up and results in log area full
--> Identify the state of the log segements and also size and files under service hdb0000*
  In general a log-segment can have one of the following states:
WritingCurrently writing to this segment.
ClosedSegment is closed by the writer.
TruncatedTruncated, but not yet backed up. Backup will remove it.
BackedUpSegment is already backed up, but a safepoint has not yet been written. Therefore it needs to be kept for instance recovery.
FreeSegment is free for reuse.

--> if state is free and it is a known case of log area full, please perform reclaim.
--> Check auto log backup is enabled or not 
-->Log_backup_timeout_S should be checked for queueing up situation.
--> Check throughput on writing to the basepath_logbackup location
--> If it resolves to the local filesystem, are the "basepath_logbackup" and the "basepath_logvolumes" located on the same disk? When this true, the log backups very likely filled up the entire disk and thus neither new log segments can be created nor old ones can be backed up. In order to resolve the issue - depending on your backup strategy - either move the log backups to a different location to free up space or perform a full data backup and delete older (log) backups from the catalog & file-system using the HANA Studio Backup Editor

  • SUM 2.0 is used for ABAP single stacks, targeting systems based on BASIS 7.50 and higher

  • SUM 1.0 is always used if the source system is either a dual-stack system, or a Java stack.

  • SUM 1.0 is used for ABAP stack if target is based on BASIS 7.40 or lower

29.  SPDD :
Transaction SPDD allows you to adjust modifications to ABAP Dictionary objects during an upgrade.
Data elements
Tables (structures, transparent tables, pooled and cluster tables including their technical settings, indexes of transparent tables)
• Changes to other ABAP Dictionary objects such as type groups, table types, views, search helps and lock objects cannot result in the loss of data.
They are not handled by transaction SPDD, but by transaction SPAU in the postprocessing of the upgrade.
• Complete all modification adjustments before continuing with the import. If you do not do it, modifications to dictionary objects will be lost. This can lead to data loss.


Transaction SPAU allows you to adjust Notes(Note Corrections yellow/Red), programs, function modules, screens, interfaces, documentation, and text elements after an upgrade.
Notes should be adjusted before adjusting the rest of the modification to avoid errors in Note implementation due to modifications.
• You have the following options:
• Adjust all modifications before continuing with the import.

30. Starting and Stopping of SAPSTARTSRV in HANA Database

SAPInit = It is a script file ,location = /etc/init.d/sapinit

SAPServices :

 In the sapinit file, several functions are defined to support the main functions. One of the these support functions is read_sapservices which reads the content of yet another file: /usr/sap/sapservices.
SAPServices is also a script like SAPInit .For SAP HANA, it contains a single line that defines the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable (similar to DLLs on Windows) for the sapstartsrv command.

Start : To manually start an SAP HANA system, enter, as the root superuser, the command:/etc/init.d/sapinit start

This will start the host agent first [saphostexec -start pf=<host_profile>] and next the contents of the sapservices script file will be executed.

Status Check: /etc/init.d/sapinit status

For this status check, sapinit calls the command saphostexec -status first and then proceeds to verify that the sapstartsrv processes listed in sapservices are actually running using the generic UNIX/Linux ps command with some looping, grepping and tailing.

License to kill/Stop

To stop the SAPStartSrv processes enter:  /etc/init.d/sapinit stop

31.Report to schedule RDDIMPDP jobs is " RDDNEWPP"

32.How to analyze performance problem ?

Performance problem always happen during CO period end closing.

Initial Analysis:-

Necessary Information

After you get a incident of performance issue, first you need to know below information

 Scenario 1: Performance issue with one Job or Process
 Scenario 2: Performance issue in whole system level
  • Is there any DB update, Kernel update, support package update recently?

Scenario 1: Issue with specific Job or Process

  • What is the program/T-code used?
  • What’s the status of the job? Is it still running? How long has it been running? 
  • What’s the normal finish time?
  • Have this issue happened before? If yes, how was it solved?
  • Understand first whether there is any change  in Variant or Data processing 

ST12 Trace:

If the performance issue is reproducible, enable ST12 work process trace for the job/process


Check Trace Result

First, please check the time percentage bar.

–If ABAP takes the most time, it should be program problem, which should be analyzed by the team that owns the program. But for performance issues which take long time, 90% of the issues are caused by DB.

–So, most of the time Database will take the most time. Normally Database will show above 75% of the total time. In fact, if you get this result.

If you want to continue the analysis:

–First you can sort descending by Net time, then you can see the first line shows the Call which takes the most time. Normally this should be the cause for the performance problem.

–As you can see in the example, the time accessing table KEKO takes the most time. So first you can try to search Notes with key words “Program Name” + “Table Name” +” Performance”.

–You can click “DB->” to check more detail.

Check with STAD

If can’t reproduce the issue again. We can check response times of the job/Process in STAD

Scenario 2: Performance issue in whole system level

  • SM51 Overview All Active Servers are listed and the individual processes running on is highlighted
  • SM66 :Global Work Process Overview, can be used to check current system activity/load
  • ST03N: Workload Monitor
  • DBACOCKPIT: Performance -> Load History
  • SMLG: Maintain/ View Logon Groups
  • ST22: ABAP Runtime Errors
  • ST06 : Operating System Monito
  • SDFMON : History of  work process 

33. Command to reset sapsa password in Sybase
   Login via isql with sapsso and the new temporary password

   isql -S<SID> -Usapsso -P<new_temporary_sapsso-password> -X

   Change password of sapsa and/or SAPSR3, same as in OPTION 1

   use master

   alter login sapsa with password "<new_temporary_sapsso-password>" modify password " <new_sapsa_password>"

 34.Steps involved in EWA Configuration

->Solman_setup -> Managed System configuration -> Select System -> System configuration ->Full system configuration including EWA

  • Assign Product
  • Check Prerequisites
  • Maintain RFCs
  • Assign DA
  • Enter System parameters
  • Enter Landscape Parameters
  • Maintain Users
  • Finalize Configuration
  • Check Configuration
  • Complete

Maintain RFCs:
     SOLMAN --> Managed System
  •      SM_SIDCLNTXXX_READ (SM_SID Charm User)
Note: SMTMSID Solman user is responsible for transport Import in managed system.

  Managed System --> Solman
35. RFC connections created during TMS Setup

TMSUP and TMSADM RFC connections are created bw all the systems in the landscape to facilitate transports.

36.Default trace location in SAP Java system

1596214 - How to find the latest default trace file of the NW AS Java right after reproducing an issue

36 Instance Properties location in SAP Java system

Instance.preperties file contains bootstrap java path/parameters/Heapmaxsize etc..
  • we can recreate this file in case of any issue with the help of below note.
  • Config tool will also help in getting default values of the parameters maintained in this file.
2012156 - Setting the properties of a new file

37.Garbage collector (GC) is a background process which provides automatic memory management for Java environment by taking care of deallocation of computer memory resources for a program.


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