SAP Note : SAP Maintains a knowledge base of problems and resolutions which are accessed from market place. provides resolutions in the form of a note which is a number. Note can be searched on number (if we know)or we can search with the problem code, error number etc. Note provides info. Reg the problem, as follows 1.Problem 2.Pre-Requisites 3.Cause of the problem 4.Solution, Corrections, attachments, and note may redirect one or more notes. Notes of 3 types : 1.Informative note Which consists of details to solve the problem 2.Corrective note This provides changes to the data dictionary elements or repository objects. 3.Manual note: Some of the steps will be present in notes to solve the issue. Procedure : Read the note carefully and check for validity, Pre-Implementation steps , Post-Implementation steps and Pre-requisite Notes. Do the manual pre-implementation steps in case the Note sugges...